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The Do’s and Don’ts of Having Difficult Conversations

The Do’s and Don’ts of Having Difficult Conversations
Discover tips for having productive workplace conversations, handling tough topics with respect, and maintaining professionalism. Learn more about how to communicate.

Dealing with difficult conversations in the workplace or managing conflict between coworkers can be intimidating, even for the most experienced employee or manager. It is important to approach these conversations in a professional and respectful manner, remembering to stay calm, use active listening, and remain focused on finding a solution that works for both parties. Let’s talk about the do’s and don’ts of how to approach difficult conversations in the workplace.

Why is it Important to have Difficult Conversations?

Having difficult conversations at work is important in order to ensure a healthy and productive environment. Difficult conversations can range from performance reviews to addressing workplace conflicts. They are essential for fostering a culture of trust and communication. By having difficult conversations, workplace issues can be resolved quickly and objectively, leading to better morale and productivity.

Additionally, by having difficult conversations, employees can become more comfortable in addressing their own issues and concerns, leading to a more collaborative and open work environment. Finally, having difficult conversations can help strengthen relationships between colleagues and managers, leading to better overall communication within the workplace.


1. Prepare for the conversation

Preparing for a difficult conversation in the workplace is important for many reasons. It helps to ensure that the conversation is handled in a respectful and professional manner, it allows you to think through the potential issues and establish a plan for addressing them, and it can help to reduce the stress associated with difficult conversations. Additionally, preparing for a difficult conversation helps to ensure that all parties involved are heard and that the most productive outcome is achieved.

2. Approach the conversation in a respectful manner

Respectful communication is essential in the workplace because it creates an environment of trust and collaboration. It sets a positive tone for interactions between colleagues and helps to resolve difficult conversations without causing further conflict. When employees use respectful language, they are more likely to be heard, understood, and respected by their colleagues. Respectful conversations also help to maintain positive relationships and foster a healthy work environment.

3. Listen actively

Active listening is a communication method that entails paying close attention to, comprehending, reacting to, and recalling what the speaker is saying. To make sure you have understood the speaker's point of view correctly, you must pay close attention, acknowledge what they have said, and offer feedback. The “Three A’s of Active Listening” include paying attention to the speaker, having a positive attitude, and an adjustment of your physical and verbal responses to communicate that you understand.


1. Avoid making assumptions

Making assumptions in the workplace can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. It can also create an environment where people feel like their opinions or ideas are not valued. People may feel ignored or overlooked if their ideas are disregarded because of incorrect assumptions. Additionally, making assumptions can lead to conflict and hurt relationships between coworkers. It is important to be open and honest with coworkers to ensure a productive and respectful workplace.

2. Don’t be confrontational

Being confrontational during difficult conversations in the workplace can lead to an escalation of tensions and further complicate the issue. It can also damage relationships, create mistrust, and ultimately lead to a breakdown in communication. Instead, it is best to remain civil and diplomatic when engaging in difficult conversations and focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution.

3. Don’t be afraid to take a break

Taking a break during difficult conversations in the workplace is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it can help to reduce tensions, as both parties can take a step back and cool off before continuing. It can also help to provide clarity and focus, as taking a break can give each person a chance to think more objectively and calmly. In addition, a break can help to create a safe space where both parties can listen and be heard without feeling overwhelmed. Finally, it can help to build trust, as it shows that each person is willing to put in the effort to work together and resolve the issue in a constructive and respectful manner.

Tips for Having Difficult Conversations

Setting clear boundaries during difficult conversations in the workplace is essential for a successful outcome. Setting boundaries can help to ensure that the discussion is kept on track and that all parties involved understand what topics are off-limits. This can help to ensure that the conversation is productive, efficient, and respectful. Setting boundaries also allows for the possibility of compromise, as all parties are able to understand where the other is coming from and can work together to find a solution that works for everyone.

During difficult conversations in the workplace, it is also important to focus on the issue at hand and not on the person. Doing so allows for a level-headed dialogue between parties without the conversation becoming too heated or personal. It also allows for an open and honest discussion about the issue at hand and can lead to a better resolution for all involved.

Finally, it's important to make sure that both sides are heard. Taking the time to listen to each other can help to create a better understanding of the situation and the potential outcomes. Remember that everyone has different perspectives and opinions, and listening to each other will help to ensure that all perspectives are heard and respected.

Workplace Training for Having Difficult Conversations

EasyLlama has several courses regarding effective communication and difficult conversations, including our Conflict Resolution And Communication course, training for Leadership Management, and a new mini-course on Having Effective Difficult Conversations. Your employees can learn how to effectively collaborate and communicate with the help of EasyLlama's award-winning training. Our courses feature relatable real-world scenarios and interactive knowledge assessments to keep employees motivated. Interested in learning more about EasyLlama? Get your free course preview today to experience our engaging training and practical features for yourself!

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