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Cybersecurity best practices

Cybersecurity best practices are essential for protecting your digital assets and data. These practices help to reduce the risk of malicious attacks and data breaches, as well as helping to ensure secure and reliable systems.


Penalty of data breaches

When a data privacy breach occurs, the penalties for a violation can be drastic. The largest known data breach of personal information cost multiple companies upwards of $4 billion collectively. Having the right safeguards in place can save your organization time and money and help avoid legal repercussions from regulating agencies.

Penalty of data breaches
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Cybersecurity Safeguards

Cybersecurity safeguards are measures taken to protect an organization's data, systems, and networks from cyber-attacks and security breaches. They are essential for protecting businesses from malicious threats and ensuring the integrity of their data and systems.


Technical safeguards involve the protection of computing hardware and software. Technical safeguards involve the protection of computing hardware and software. The main technical safeguard measure for securing digital data is encryption.


Physical safeguards refer to the act of protecting physical documents and devices. Properly storing paper records and electronic devices in accordance with your organization's policies and procedures reduces the risk of loss or damage to protected data.


Administrative safeguards refer to decision-making about who should have access to certain information. The key point in implementing administrative safeguards is to ensure only people with a need to know have access.

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Physically safeguarding your information is just as vital and important as digitally safeguarding it. Some examples of safeguards:

Here are some myths to look out for:

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    Practice safe computing and email use by accessing them only on a secured device.

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    Practice safe password control measures.

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    Provide security-update reminders for all devices.

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    Install protection to guard against malicious software.

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    Implement procedures for guarding against, detecting, and reporting malicious software.

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See why 8,000+ businesses love EasyLlama

Protect your data with cybersecurity training

Cybersecurity training is an important step in protecting your data and staying secure online. It teaches you how to recognize and prevent potential threats, such as phishing, malware, and other cyber attacks. Cybersecurity training also provides you with the necessary skills to respond to an attack and recover your data if something happens. With the right training, you can help protect your data and keep it secure.

Protect your data with cybersecurity training

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.

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The Most Comprehensive Cybersecurity Awareness Training

EasyLlama’s online training course helps prepare employees to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity. With threats increasing and the fines for violations more expensive than ever, implementing a solid cybersecurity plan can help organizations save time and money while avoiding future litigation. The course covers:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Chapter 2: Cybercriminals
Chapter 3: Cyber Threats
Chapter 4: Best Practices
Chapter 5: Password Protection
Chapter 6: What Have We Learned?
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Cyber Threats
Cyber Threats
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Cyber Criminals
Cyber Criminals
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Introduction to Cybersecurity training
Introduction to Cybersecurity training
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