Discovering Ethical Gray Areas at work
Sometimes we may find ourselves in situations where we are faced with making a decision that does not seem to have a clear-cut right or wrong answer. This is called an ethical gray area or an ethical dilemma.

What is an ethical gray area and how to make a decision
An ethical gray area is a situation in which two or more courses of action are available, and none of them appear to be ethically "right" or "wrong." These situations may involve a conflict of values, a lack of clear guidelines, or a clash between two or more ethical principles. It can be difficult to decide what the best course of action is, and the consequences of any decision may be unclear. In other words, an ethical gray area is an uncertain space where people must rely on their values, judgment, and intuition to make a decision.

Dealing with ethical gray areas can be a difficult task. Here are some tips that may help you when faced with an ethical gray area:
And three, whatever your choice, be sure it is one that is legal and that you can live with.
Two, decide what is the best choice. Ultimately, you will have to choose, so sometimes it may come down to deciding on the action that you feel is considered the best choice for all involved.
One, weigh the consequences of your potential actions. How will taking action affect you and whoever else is involved?
Making the “Best Choice” with Ethics
Ethics can be a great tool to help you make the "best choice" in everyday decisions. Ethics help us answer the following questions, but remember that a lot of the decisions you make will not have a clear "right" choice, only a "best" choice.
Here are some myths to look out for:
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What do I do?
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What values matter to me?
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What are my principles?
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What direction are my beliefs guiding me in?
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What have social norms taught me to do
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What is the "best" choice?

Using Ethics to make the best decisions for your workplace
With EasyLlama's Code of Conduct training, your staff will learn about examples of ethical gray areas and better understand the importance of making the “best choice” when there are no “right choices.” Our Code of Conduct training can assist them in understanding the significance of their own personal and professional ethics, using interactive quizzes, real=life video scenarios, and bite-sized learning.

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture
With EasyLlama training, your employees will discover how to be more aware of discrimination, bias in the workplace, and reap the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce. Here are some of the topics covered in our course: