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Introduction to Clery Act Training

This course teaches participants how to compassionately receive disclosures of Clery Act crimes, document and report them properly, and anonymize them if necessary.


Who was Jeanne Clery?

In 1986, 19-year-old Lehigh University student Jeanne Clery was brutally sexually assaulted and murdered in her dorm room. Her parents, Connie and Howard Clery, later found out that the university had been experiencing high crime rates, but had not been letting the campus community know. With the aim of preventing similar tragedies in the future, they advocated for legislation that would require colleges and universities to let their communities know about the crimes happening on and near their campuses.  The result of their work is the topic of this course: the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, commonly known as the Clery Act.

Who was Jeanne Clery?
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The Purpose of Clery Act Training

The Clery Act requires colleges to disclose crime statistics, issue timely warnings, and enhance campus safety. By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Identify Requirements

Identify the key provisions and requirements of the Clery Act that pertain to Campus Security Authorities.

Real-Life Scenarios

Recognize real-life scenarios that require reporting under the Clery Act.

Reporting Obligations

Execute the reporting obligations of Campus Security Authorities and receive disclosures with compassion.

Benefits of Clery Act Training

This course is designed for individuals on higher education campuses who are designated as Campus Security Authorities, or CSAs. The benefits of this course include:

Here are some myths to look out for:

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    Training CSAs on how to recognize and report Clery Act crimes helps keep campuses safer and keeps them in compliance with the law.

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    Training CSAs in compassionate reporting practices can help make it more likely that students feel safe disclosing Clery Act crimes to CSAs, potentially increasing reporting rates.

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The Definitive Online Clery Act Compliance Course

Experience EasyLlama's comprehensive Clery Act compliance course, providing employees with a deep understanding of the Act's crucial regulations and their impact on campus safety. Through interactive modules and real-world scenarios, participants will explore key provisions, reporting obligations, and the identification of Clery Act crimes. By successfully completing this training, individuals will play a vital role in creating a secure campus environment, ensuring transparency, and upholding the importance of accurate crime reporting for the benefit of students and their families.

The Definitive Online Clery Act Compliance Course

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.

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The Most Comprehensive Clery Act Training Solution

Clery Act training is essential to equip Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) with the knowledge and skills to fulfill their reporting obligations, ensuring campus compliance and promoting student safety. This course covers:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Clery Act Training
Chapter 2: The Clery Act
Chapter 3: Reporting Obligations
Chapter 4: Receiving and Documenting Reports
Chapter 5: Confidentiality
Chapter 6: What Have We Learned?
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