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Types of Reasonable Accommodations

Accommodations can be key to providing equal access and opportunity in the workplace. Take look at the different types of reasonable accommodations employers can provide to people with disabilities.


Employees with Chronic Illnesses

The ADA protects employees with chronic illnesses. Chronic illnesses are long-term conditions that typically require ongoing medical care and may impact an individual's ability to perform essential job functions. Some examples of chronic illnesses include diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Employees with Chronic Illnesses
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Different Types of Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments to the workplace which enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of their jobs. Different types of reasonable accommodations range from physical modifications to job restructuring and modified work schedules.

Temporary Disability

Temporary disability accommodations can include a wide range of modifications to the workplace, job duties, and work schedule. Examples include: modified work schedule or reduced hours for treatment and recovery, temporary reassignment, installation of handrails or other mobility aids, temporary use of a sign language interpreter

Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses are long-term conditions that typically require ongoing medical care and may impact an individual's ability to perform essential job functions. Some examples of chronic illnesses include diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Mental Health Disabilities

Mental health disability is a condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as thinking, learning, and concentrating. Mental health disabilities include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTDS), and more.

Physical Disabilities

Physical disabilities are impairments that substantially limit major life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, and standing. Some common types of accommodations for physical disabilities include: ergonomic equipment, accessible workstations, modified schedules, etc. The workplace may also need to be modified architecturally to make it accessible, such as by installing wheelchair ramps and modifying doorways.

Religious Beliefs Accommodations

Religious Beliefs Accommodations

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, employees are protected against discrimination based on their religious beliefs. Examples of religious accommodations: flexible work schedule, modifications to dress code, prayer or meditation space, and accommodations for dietary restrictions.

Common Types of Workplace Accommodations

Workplace accommodations are modifications to a job or work environment that enable an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job. These accommodations can vary greatly depending on the individual’s needs and the requirements of the job.

Here are some myths to look out for:

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    Flexible Scheduling

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    Modified Job Duties

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    Changes to the Physical Workspace

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    Accessible Technology

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    Additional Breaks or Rest Periods

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Ensure that all Employees are treated fairly with reasonable accommodations training

Ensuring that all employees are treated fairly with reasonable accommodations training is essential to creating a safe, inclusive and productive workplace. This training can help managers and employees better understand the laws and regulations protecting employees and provide strategies to ensure that all employees are treated with respect, dignity and fairness.

Ensure that all Employees are treated fairly with reasonable accommodations training

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.

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The Most Comprehensive Reasonable Accommodations Training Solution

The goal of this training is to educate employers and employees on their rights and responsibilities when it comes to reasonable accommodations in the workplace.This course covers:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Reasonable Accommodations Training
Chapter 2: Laws and Terms
Chapter 3: Types of Reasonable Accommodations
Chapter 4: The Reasonable Accommodations Process
Chapter 5: Employer Responsibilities and Reasonable Accommodations
Chapter 6: Reasonable Accommodation Denials and Issues
Chapter 7: What Have We Learned?
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Reasonable Accommodation Laws and Terms
Reasonable Accommodation Laws and Terms
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Introduction to Reasonable Accommodations Training
Introduction to Reasonable Accommodations Training
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Insider Trading Course Conclusion
Insider Trading Course Conclusion
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