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When Help Arrives

Understanding how to cooperate and communicate effectively with these professionals can make a significant difference in managing the crisis and ensuring a safer outcome for everyone involved managing an active shooter crisis.


The Role of Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders

During an active shooter incident, law enforcement officers and emergency responders play a critical role in neutralizing the threat and providing medical assistance to the injured. They are trained to handle these high-stress situations, and their primary goal is to protect lives. As a civilian caught in such a scenario, knowing how to interact with them can greatly assist in their response efforts.

The Role of Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders
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Effective Communication with Responders

When help arrives, clear and concise communication is vital. Here are some essential tips on how to interact with law enforcement and emergency responders during an active shooter event:

Provide Critical Information

If you have witnessed the shooter or have any pertinent information, share it with the responders to aid their efforts.

Follow Instructions

Comply with all instructions given by law enforcement officers. They may ask you to evacuate, hide, or provide information about the shooter's location.

Remain Calm

Stay as calm as possible to relay information accurately and help responders understand the situation better.

Actions to Take Before Help Arrives

While waiting for professional help to arrive, there are certain actions you can take to enhance your safety and the safety of those around you:

Here are some myths to look out for:

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    Barricade if Possible: If trapped in a room, use furniture or heavy objects to barricade the door.

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    Silence Phones: Turn off or set your phone to silent mode to avoid attracting the shooter's attention.

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    Stay Low: If unable to escape or barricade, stay low to the ground to avoid being in the shooter's line of sight.

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Be Prepared for Help During Active Shooter Response Events with Training

In the face of an active shooter situation, being prepared for the arrival of professional help can make a critical difference. Effective training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to interact safely and cooperatively with law enforcement and other emergency responders. Understanding their roles and actions, along with knowing how to follow instructions during a crisis, ensures a coordinated response that maximizes the chances of survival and minimizes potential risks.

Be Prepared for Help During Active Shooter Response Events with Training

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The Most Comprehensive online Active shooter response Training

EasyLlama’s online training course educates all employees with the skills necessary to keep themselves and their coworkers safe in the case of an active shooter scenario. This course will dive into the actions to take in a crisis situation, what to do when help arrives, and more. The course covers:

Chapter 1: Active Shooter Response Introduction
Chapter 2: What is an Active Shooter Situation?
Chapter 3: Responding in Active Shooter Situations- Run
Chapter 4: Responding in Active Shooter Situations- Hide
Chapter 5: Responding in Active Shooter Situations- Fight
Chapter 6: When Help Arrives
Chapter 7: Active Shooter Preparedness
Chapter 8: Conclusion to Active Shooter Response Training
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Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Fight
Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Fight
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Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Hide
Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Hide
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Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Run
Responding in Active Shooter Situations: Run
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