The Smart Way to Train Your Team on Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness Training

Course Preview
Employees Will Learn:
Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Hostile Work Environment
Verbal, Physical & Visual Harassment
Supervisor Duties
Unwelcome Behavior
Reasonable Person Standard
Sexual Advances
Other Types of Discrimination
Abusive Conduct and Bullying
Bystander Intervention

EasyLlama’s California Sexual Harassment Training Complies With Mandatory State Laws
By January 1, 2022, California employers with five or more employees must provide two hours of interactive sexual harassment training to all supervisory employees, and at least one hour of interactive sexual harassment training to all non-supervisory employees. New hires must also receive training within six months of their start date and all employees must be retrained every two years.
Our training courses on Preventing Discrimination and Harassment are designed by HR experts and meet California’s latest regulations based on the list provided by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and the following state regulations: AB 1825, AB 2053, FEHA regulations, SB 396, SB 1343, and SB 778.

HR Training shouldn't be complicated

Customization for all of your company needs - show your brand, industry, and even your company colors.

How long should training last?
Supervisor training must last at least 2 hours and non-supervisory employees must be trained for at least 1 hour. We offer the training in English, Spanish, and 100 other languages.

The Best OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Training Available
You need a modern training solution in place, today. Use EasyLLama and get your whole staff compliant as soon as the end of the day. No other solution is quicker or easier.

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture