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Colorado Harassment Training Checklist

In Colorado, employers are required to meet specific standards for harassment training. This checklist will help Colorado employers ensure they comply with these regulations and foster a workplace that is educated about and vigilant against harassment

Colorado Harassment Training Checklist

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What's Inside

Understand Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Laws

Learn about the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA), which specifies what companies must provide in terms of harassment prevention and education.

Institute a Clear Harassment Policy

Provide a clear, state-compliant anti-harassment policy that outlines definitions, examples of harassment, and consequences for harassing someone.

Provide Training to All Employees

Ensure that every employee get comprehensive training that addresses the legal framework governing workplace conduct in Colorado as well as the identification and prevention of harassment, including sexual harassment.

Offer Specialized Training for Leadership Positions

Give managers and supervisors more in-depth training on how to respond to and avoid harassment accusations, as well as the legal responsibilities of individuals in managerial positions.

Provide Training Every Two Years

Provide harassment prevention training to all new hires and at least once every two years after that to keep staff members informed about policies and legal requirements.

Employ Interactive Training

Make use of an engaging interactive training method that allows for questions and responses to make sure the information is retained.

Maintain Thorough Training Records

For a minimum of three years, maintain a record of every harassment prevention training session.

Distribute and Maintain Policy Accessibility

Make sure that all new hires receive a copy of the harassment policy, and that it is always easily accessible on the company intranet or employee handbook.

Define and Publicize Reporting Procedures

Establish clear reporting guidelines that protect privacy so that every allegation of harassment is taken very seriously and looked into as soon as possible.

Guarantee Retaliation-Free Reporting

Retaliation of any kind against anyone who report harassment or assist with an inquiry is strictly prohibited, so emphasize the company's anti-retaliation policy.

Confirm Regular Training Updates

As laws and regulations change, make sure your training provider keeps the training up to date on a regular basis.

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