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Effective: January 22, 2024

Upgrades, Downgrade and Overage Policy

Customer may upgrade or downgrade available Seats within a Subscription Plan tier subject to the following terms and conditions:

Starter Plan

Upgrades To Increase Seats May Be Purchased In Blocks of 5

Downgrades To Decrease Seats May Be Reduced In Blocks of 5

Pro Plan

Upgrades To Increase Seats May Be Purchased In Blocks of 10

Downgrades To Decrease Seats May Be Reduced In Blocks of 5

Enterprise Plan

Upgrades to Increase Seats May Be Purchased in Blocks of 100; or

Per terms of Master Services Agreement Terms

Customers may NOT downgrade from a higher Subscription Plan tier to a lower Subscription Plan tier. Customers may only downgrade Seats within the same tier or upgrade their tier.

Additional upgrades from single to unlimited Seats are also available.

All upgrades shall be charged at the Subscription Plan rates in effect at the time of such upgrade. Upgrades shall be effective upon receipt of payment for such upgrades, either within Customer’s dashboard or payment of invoice.

Downgrades on one (1) year Subscription Plans shall be charged at the Subscription Plan rates in effect at the time of such downgrade. Downgrades shall become effective on the next billing cycle. No prorated refunds or credits will be issued for any downgrades. Downgrades are not available for three (3) year + Subscription Plans. Please email for additional information.


To the extent a Customer assigns Seats in excess of their existing Subscription Plan, Customer shall be automatically upgraded to the next applicable Subscription Plan tier. Customer will automatically be charged to reflect the change of Customer’s Subscription Plan to the next tier in accordance with the Subscription Plan rates in effect at the time of such overage. These charges are non-refundable.

Recurring Annual Subscription Fees

All subsequent recurring Subscription Fees will reflect the adjusted rates for such upgrades, downgrades and overages and Customer will be invoiced annually the fees for the Subscription Plan tier in effect at such annual anniversary.

Recurring Subscription Fees for all one (1) year Subscription Plans will automatically be adjusted for applicable upgrades, downgrades and overages and invoiced annually on the next billing cycle.

Recurring Subscription Fees for all three (3) year + Subscription Plans will automatically be adjusted for applicable upgrades and overages and invoiced annually on the next billing cycle.