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What is Lateral Violence in the Workplace?

What is Lateral Violence in the Workplace?
Learn about lateral violence in the workplace and its impact on employee morale. Practical solutions for prevention.

Have you ever witnessed workplace gossip or the marginalization of an employee negatively impacting their whole team — or even the company at large? You may have experienced the effects of lateral violence, which occurs among peers or colleagues who share similar positions or statuses within an organization. These actions, though often subtle, can have a profound impact on employee morale, productivity, and company culture. Let’s take a look at the specifics of lateral violence and how to stop it from damaging your business.

What is Lateral Violence, and How Does it Manifest in the Workplace?

Lateral violence, also known as horizontal violence, refers to harmful behaviors that occur between individuals or groups at the same hierarchical level of a company. Lateral violence manifests in various forms, such as gossiping, personal put-downs, undermining, exclusion, and verbal abuse, often affecting the cohesion of work teams. It can range from seemingly innocuous comments to outright hostile behavior.

Lateral violence and bullying, despite sharing many similarities, are distinctly different phenomena due to the differences in power dynamics. Bullying typically involves a power differential, where the perpetrator holds authority or control over the victim. This dynamic often leads to persistent and targeted attacks aimed at asserting dominance. Conversely, lateral violence occurs horizontally among peers or colleagues of equal status, lacking the inherent power imbalance seen in bullying scenarios.

Common Signs and Examples of Lateral Violence

Identifying the lateral form of workplace violence can be challenging due to its subtle nature. Examples can include undermining colleagues' work, spreading rumors, and withholding information. When comparing the signs of bullying and lateral violence, the latter may occur sporadically and involve less overt forms of hostility. Intent also distinguishes the two concepts because lateral violence may arise unintentionally, driven by factors such as competition, insecurity, or cultural norms within the workplace.

Lateral violence is particularly prevalent in high-stress professions like nursing, where teamwork and collaboration are essential for delivering quality patient care. Studies show that lateral violence affects approximately one-third of nurses. Understanding and addressing lateral violence is crucial for promoting a positive workplace culture and ensuring the well-being of employees, as well as patients or clients.

Why is it Important to Address Lateral Violence in the Workplace?

Addressing lateral violence is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment. First and foremost, it impacts employee morale and well-being. When individuals experience or witness lateral violence, it can lead to increased employee burnout, anxiety, and feelings of insecurity. This not only affects the victims directly but also creates a toxic work environment for everyone involved.

It's crucial for employers to be vigilant about recognizing signs of distress among their team members. Changes in behavior, such as withdrawing from social interactions, decreased productivity, or visible emotional strain, may indicate that someone is grappling with mental health issues. If you observe these signs in an employee, approach them with empathy and tact. Let them know you're available to listen and provide assistance, encouraging them to seek professional help if necessary.

Impact of Lateral Violence on Organizational Culture

Unaddressed lateral violence can have serious consequences for organizational culture. It sends a message that such behavior is tolerated or even condoned, perpetuating a cycle of negativity and dysfunction within the workplace. This can ultimately drive away talented employees, damage the organization's reputation, and hinder its ability to attract and retain top talent.

Lateral violence also undermines teamwork and collaboration, which are critical for organizational success. When colleagues engage in negative behaviors such as gossiping, undermining, or exclusion, it erodes trust and cohesion within teams, hindering their ability to work effectively together. This, in turn, can lead to decreased productivity and quality of work.

The prevalence of lateral violence in the workplace varies significantly between regions, requiring unique intervention depending on location and culture. For example, studies have highlighted significant differences) in prevalence rates between regions, with Asian countries experiencing higher rates (41.6%) compared to other regions (13.9%). Cultural norms and values, hierarchical structures within organizations, and societal expectations regarding conflict resolution and communication styles can all influence lateral violence in the workplace. Workplace stressors, such as heavy workloads and intense competition, can also exacerbate tensions and contribute to the occurrence of negative behaviors among colleagues.

How Can Organizations Prevent and Address Lateral Violence?

Organizations must take proactive steps to prevent and address lateral violence. This includes developing clear policies that explicitly prohibit such behavior and providing training on workplace violence, harassment, and discrimination to raise awareness and improve prevention efforts. For example, in California, employers must develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan specific to their organization, and train employees on it to comply with Senate Bill 553.

With EasyLlama’s modern and effective Workplace Violence Prevention training, and our location-specific CA Workplace Violence Prevention course, employers can keep their company safe from all types of violence. With interactive quizzes and real-life scenarios that your employees could face in a work environment, our training provides engaging learning experiences for all, ensuring that your business is well-prepared to address workplace violence effectively. Access your free course preview today to learn more!

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